Employee Longevity = Stability & Experience

Over the past few months, we celebrated many work anniversaries. We’ve congratulated our co-workers and shared stories from years prior to just yesterday.  Many employees have been with Muller Martini for 20, 30, and even 40 years. As we say thank you to them, we realize this employee base is part of our foundation on which we our business stands. ­With longevity comes stability.  They are the voices on the phone and names on emails that you have come to trust and look to for help.
According to LinkedIn the three pillars of Employment Longevity are:

  1. Work Habits & Attitude
  • Accountability
  • Image
  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Reliability
  • Flexibility
  1. Having a Positive Attitude

A positive attitude creates loyal customers which in turn creates new customers. The difference between being successful and unsuccessful in the workplace is always attitude.
“Attitude is Everything …. Keep It Positive”

  1. 21st Century Skills

Employees must have the skills to work with teams that are global and virtual in nature. They will need to master knowledge in a real-world environment by thinking critically, analyzing information, comprehending new ideas, communicating, collaborating in teams, and solving problems.
These 3 pillars are features we can all strive to include in our skill set.

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