Customers know that good technical support comes from knowledgeable people. Customers know that knowledgeable technical support people come with a cost. They understand that a sound business model must include the means to cover costs with revenues. Therefore, customers have come to accept that the high quality of technical support offered by Muller Martini cannot be free of charge. Our enlightened customers purchase technical support contracts from us. But they still go for the lowest tier contract that they can get away with. Why do more customers not sign up for the MMRemote tier of support contract?
Muller Martini offers multiple tiers of Technical Support contracts at various prices. At the basic tier, you get access to daytime support. The connection to a support technician is made mainly via telephone and e-mail. Sometimes the problem can be resolved right then and there, true. But solutions to other more complex problems may require collaboration with the factory or with colleagues. Given that the factory is thousands of miles and multiple time zones away, and our colleagues are spread throughout North America, communication speed becomes a factor in response time. E-mails go out and then they are answered. Phone calls are made and then returned. This takes precious time. Customers who opt for a basic support contract tier must understand these limitations.
Modern, high-technology machines that are network-connected and workflow-driven often display symptoms that are not as easy to diagnose as in the old days. The costs of waiting for answers are ever-increasing. In this environment, when you have a problem, you have to work at maximum speed to get it resolved. Fortunately, the very technologies that generate these issues also come along with superior tools for diagnosing them. The MMRemote tier of support is available on these machines. The tools available when you have an MMRemote tier contract gives you the fastest possible connection to the global network of Muller resources. With the MMRemote tier of support contract, knowledgeable individuals can connect to your machine’s issue at the speed of the internet. They can use machine diagnostics to dissect error messages. Factory colleagues multiple time zones away can connect directly to your machine to troubleshoot issues. The combination of high-speed communications and high-knowledge individuals is what yields the value of MMRemote .
If you have machines capable of using the tools offered within the MMRemote tier of the support contract, the value of the support justifies the contract price. MMRemote is the way to go for any modern machine.